About Me - Contacts
Welcome to my website.
My name is Patrizia Trotta and I have a passion for freedom and for facilitating the development of human potential, especially for the New Generations (Indigos included), who increasingly show signs of wanting to live in freedom from dogma and limitations, real, imagined, inherited or self-imposed.
I earned a PhD in Education in 2013 (University of Exeter, UK), focusing on innovative research on Indigos and potential new forms of educating energy-sensitive individuals (Hermetic Psychoenergetics), especially the multi-labelled New Generations, part of an emerging New, Collective Consciousness*.
While busy with some interesting academic research, which made up my PhD in Education, I have been experimenting successfully with Hermetic Psychoenergetics as an empowering educational tool for the rising Integral/Authentic Consciousness, especially helpful for the New Generations and FOR STARSEEDS.
I am presenting Hermetic Psychoenergetics and related concepts (A New Consciousness, Indigos and the New Generations), useful especially for Starseeds, in the following pages.
I am a Researcher,
and Galactic Astrology Consultant
specializing in Draconic Astrology and Transpersonal Psychology/Education.
I have a passion for everything Galactic and for our splendid Human Potential, with a special interest for the New Generations and a New Humanity that seems to be emerging.
This Website is about my summarized and most relevant PhD Research (thesis) topics, but you can find the whole thesis online
PS (bibliography references found in the following pages are found in the thesis and not reported here)
Trotta, P. (2012). The Indigo phenomenon and the New Generations: Are they symbolic of an emerging consciousness and paradigm? The International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp.127–154.
Trotta, P. (2013). Doctoral Thesis submitted to Exeter University, UK, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education. Open Research Exeter (ORE): https://hdl.handle.net/10871/11561
Trotta, P. (2015). Transpersonally informed educational projects for an emerging Authentic Integral Consciousness. Journal of Transpersonal Research, Vol. 7, Issue 2 pp. 132–143.